

NEW: THP[pro] Sensor – Leading Multi-Sensor Technology for the Highest WMO Standards

We are proud to introduce our new THP[pro] sensor, specifically designed to meet the highest requirements of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). The quality of meteorological data is significantly influenced by the accuracy and reliability of the sensors used. Our THP[pro] sensor provides precise and reliable measurements that are recognized worldwide.

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Lambrecht meteo in numbers

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years creating precision instruments
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global customers
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countries around the world supported
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strong and competent global partners
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AEM’s global family of technology innovators

Product innovation

Ser[LOG] · The next generation of scalable meteorological communication platforms

The advanced Ser[LOG] data logger sets new standards in data collection. With customizable configurations and modern communication interfaces, it is the ideal solution for your measurement needs. Existing sensors, including those from other manufacturers, can be easily integrated.

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Ser[LOG] · The next generation of scalable meteorological communication platforms


LAMBRECHT meteo, an AEM brand, develops and manufactures world-class meteorological sensors and measurement solutions for wind, precipitation, pressure, temperature, and humidity serving various classical meteorological and highly specific environmental and industrial end-markets. Our highest goal is to deliver state-of-the-art sensors and customer-friendly complete measurement solutions including data acquisition, maintenance, and service. With our products and the combined power of the AEM portfolio, we aim to be a globally established brand and to provide a wide range of meteorological applications with flexible and high-quality solutions for our customers’ weather measurement tasks.


Measurement Valley
Ökoprofit Göttingen 2011