QM Certificates

For more than 160 years, the name LAMBRECHT stands for innovative meteorological measurement technology of the highest quality. Our customers' satisfaction and the fulfillment of their requirements are top priority for us. Comprehensive quality not only extends to our products, but also forms the benchmark for our actions, activities, work processes, and information. This is why quality plays a central role in all processes in our company. We have been certified in accordance with the international quality management standard DIN EN ISO 9001 for many years and operate a corresponding quality management system.

  • This certification is awarded every year by an independent auditor of DQS GmbH (German Association for the Certification of Management Systems).
  • The certification according to the latest standard DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 proves that our products and services meet the quality requirements of our customers as well as all legal and official requirements.

Here you can download our current certificates: