Precipitation Sensor according to Joss-Tognini

Precipitation Sensor according to Joss-Tognini
- Classical meteorology and hydrology
- Agriculture meteorology
- Measuring networks of water suppliers
- Lysimeter systems
- Sewage plants
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Developed through experience
and equipped with the features and benefits of its proven predecessors, this all-metal Tipping Bucket Precipitation Sensor 15189 is the "best in class". Its functionality is precisely designed to meet the needs of classical meteorology and hydrology as well as semi-professional industrial meteorology. The Precipitation Sensor 15189, in its different variants, is an extremely economical investment.
- Best price-performance ratio in its class!
- Single device or part of an automatic weather station
- Very reliable and robust measuring system
- High quality materials
- Easy installation
- Connectable to Lambrecht's data logger met[LOG] and Ser[LOG]
00.15189.004000 Sensor with 4 cm3 bucket, unheated
00.15189.402000 Sensor with 2 cm3 bucket, heated
00.15189.404000 Sensor with 4 cm3 bucket, heated
Heated: 4 °C ± 2 °C control temperature in the range of -20...+4 °C
Version with 4 cm3 tipping bucket: (~4 g) volume of tipping bucket - 0.2 mm
Heated: -20...+70 °C (no icing, no snowdrift)
Heated: 24 VDC / 150 W
00.15091.600XXX Windshield according to Tretyakov for measuring height 1 m, 1.5 m and 2 m
32.15180.023020 Bird defense ring
32.15189.008000 Insect filter for 15189 unheated
32.15188.061020 Sensor cable 15189 heated, 4 pole, 1 m
![met[LOG] with met[APP] · Data Logger met[LOG] with met[APP] · Data Logger](/scripts/resize.php?height=180&file=../upload/productImages/ohne_Hintergrund_metLOG.png)
The data logger met[LOG] and its browser app met[app] quickly and easily transfer your weather data into your network (LAN). The met[LOG] has an autoconfiguration via plug & play for the uncomplicated commissioning of the serial LAMBRECHT meteo sensors.
Browser App met[APP]
The browser app which is integrated in the met[LOG] for easy visualisation of the current meteorological data in your network. Platform-independent on your PC, tablet or smartphone.
- Displays the instantaneous values of your LAMBRECHT meteo station
- Exports the measured values stored by the met[LOG]
- Configures the met[LOG]
Features and advantages
- Real-time access to measurement data via integrated web server, visualised in your browser with met[APP]
- met[LOG] calculates trends and patterns, and automatically performs corrections based on altitude and air pressure
- Thanks to its digital outputs the met[LOG] immediately issues a warning or raises an alarm
- Plug & play: Auto-configuration by push of a button allows full working capability within seconds
- Various combinations are possible: 7 interfaces allow connection of 4 analog and 3 serial sensors